How to get rid of psoriasis problems?

Psoryden Customer Reviews
Author's Rating: 4.4
Customer Rating: 4.3
Dr. Derm Customer Reviews
Dr. Derm
Author's Rating: 4.7
Customer Rating: 4.5
Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that causes a lot of trouble and significantly impairs the quality of life. It can appear spontaneously and just as suddenly disappear. But in any case, you can not leave him without treatment. Today, there are several ways to cope with this disease. The choice of the most appropriate method should be made by the dermatologist. Therapy is usually aimed at alleviating the symptoms of psoriasis and alleviating the patients condition. At the same time, it is important to take a comprehensive approach to this problem, since the skin reflects the internal state of a person - emotional and physiological. This means that it is necessary not only to treat the skin, but also to balance the internal state of the patient. Complex therapy includes:
  • local therapy For this, medicinal ointments, creams, compresses are used. Their task is to eliminate itching and flaking;
  • drug treatment. It is used when ointments do not bring the desired effect. Medicines relieve inflammation, eliminate swelling and reduce excessive cellular activity;
  • therapeutic shampoos. There are tar, antifungal and containing corticosteroids. Actively fight against pathogens of the inflammatory process, remove scales and relieve itching;
  • Injections that relieve itching, have an antihistamine effect. They have a beneficial effect on the human immune system.
Therapy of this chronic disease takes place in two directions: local and systemic. In recent years, new means and methods of treatment (even in severe form) have appeared that have a narrow focus. Each case of psoriasis requires an individual approach. For example, ointments can locally eliminate peeling and itching, as well as alleviate the symptoms of the disease. Some patients are prescribed medicines. But they are not suitable for everyone, because they have side effects in the form of decreased appetite, hypertension and fatigue. In some cases, a dermatologist recommends injections to stabilize the immune system. Local effects on the affected areas are usually used for mild to moderate psoriasis. In such cases, drugs with few or no side effects are used. If such treatment is ineffective, then more aggressive therapy is used. Timely access to a specialist helps to stop the course of the disease, alleviate symptoms and achieve stable remission. This significantly improves the patients condition and allows you to live a full life.