Customer reviews Nicotinon Premium

Nicotinon Premium

Author's Rating: 4.7
Customer Rating: 4.7

Nicotinon Premium What is it?

Nicotinon Premium is a complex dietary supplement that helps you quit smoking. The herbal composition of the product, enriched with vitamins, is well absorbed and has no side effects. Unlike most drugs designed to get rid of a bad habit, it prevents negative manifestations from the nervous system during the withdrawal period.

Detailed information - Nicotinon Premium
Product Name Nicotinon Premium
Official site www.Nicotinon
Price Nicotinon Premium 39$
Pharmacy Vacation Terms Without recipe
Payment Cash on Delivery
Storage conditions Store at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.
Availability at the pharmacy No
Availability on Amazon No
Delivery Country The whole world (Including UK, USA and India)
Delivery terms 6-14 days
Availability on the official website Yes
Structure 100% natural
Customer Reviews Positive


The dietary supplement Nicotinon Premium is made on the basis of natural plant materials. Includes:

  • Valerian root extract. It has a pronounced sedative effect, thanks to which it helps to get rid of stress and irritation during the period of quitting cigarettes. Normalizes sleep.
  • Kudzu root extract. Used to reduce cravings, addiction, and reduce the severity of withdrawal symptoms.
  • Lobelia extract. It has a healing and restorative effect on the lungs and bronchi. Facilitates and normalizes the breathing process. Removes toxic substances from the body.
  • Vitamin C. Necessary for restoring the elasticity of blood vessels and skin; strengthens the immune system and helps fight stress.
  • Vitamin B12. Necessary for maintaining the functioning of the nervous system. Helps fight stress. Provides healthy sleep.

All extracts are in an easily digestible form accessible to the body, due to which a pronounced therapeutic effect is quickly achieved.

Pros and Cons

How to use?

Nicotinon Premium is a biologically active food supplement and is available in capsules. The optimal dosage at which a pronounced effect is observed is 1 capsule per day. If necessary, the daily dose can be increased to 4 capsules.
Duration of treatment – 3 months.

How does it work?

Nicotinon Premium has a complex effect on the body, eliminating all the unpleasant symptoms that accompany the process of quitting smoking. That is why its use is so effective.
How it works:

  • Reduces the craving for smoking. Reduces the severity of the psychological and physical aspects of addiction.
  • Cleanses the body. Provides rapid removal of nicotine, tar, and decay products from the body. Cleanses the lungs and bronchi.
  • Restores. Strengthens the heart muscle, restores the elasticity of the skin and blood vessels. Neutralizes the effects of smoking.
  • Normalizes the functioning of the nervous system. Calms, relieves irritability, aggression and insomnia, which usually accompany the process of quitting smoking. Participates in the synthesis of serotonin.
  • Improves brain function. Keeps memory, concentration and performance high.

Overall, Nicotinon Premium minimizes the negative effects of quitting smoking. Thanks to this, the risk of failure is minimal.

Price Nicotinon Premium


Where can I buy? At the pharmacy?

Official website

Indications for use

Nicotinon Premium is used as an independent remedy or as part of complex therapy for smoking cessation. For people over 18 years old.


Nicotinon Premium is made on the basis of plant extracts that have no contraindications and are suitable for a wide range of people. The only contraindication for use is individual intolerance. Before using the drug during pregnancy and breastfeeding, you should consult your doctor.

Doctor's review

“Most of the cardiovascular health problems that patients come to me with are caused by smoking. Quitting cigarettes is a necessity to maintain life and health. I recommend Nicotinon Premium as the most effective and safe product. Three patients managed to quit completely. Two more are in progress. After just a month of taking it, everyone’s blood pressure returned to normal. After three months, heart rhythm disturbances are observed much less frequently, and tachycardia disappears.”

Frequently Asked Questions

In which countries Nicotinon Premium is available?

This product is available in most countries in the world. You can check this information with the manager.

Can I buy Nicotinon Premium in pharmacy?

No, this item cannot be purchased at a pharmacy or general store. Only on the official website.

Nicotinon Premium is a hoax?

Depending on your location, delivery may take from 2 to 7 days.

How long will delivery take?

Delivery time depends on the place where you order. On average, this takes 3 to 10 days.

Where can I find the official website?

In the article, we have provided a link to the official website.

Are there any negative reviews of Nicotinon Premium?

We did not find any real negative reviews about Nicotinon Premium



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Customer Reviews


“I smoked from 19 to 30 years old. There were periods when I was able to quit for 1 or 2 months. I tried patches, tablets. Then she just scored. Until I wanted to become a mother. I consider smoking during pregnancy a crime. I found Nicotinon Premium on the Internet and decided to try it. As a result, I haven’t smoked for six months now. I was examined and all body functions are normal. I’m getting ready for pregnancy.”


“I couldn’t quit even after Allen Carr’s book, which everyone praises so much. Of course, I tried patches, chewing gum, various exercises, and pills that suppress the receptors. My wife put up with my addiction. But my little daughter literally began to turn her nose up at me because of the smell of smoke. This was the last straw. I ordered Nicotinon Premium. Only I had not tried it at that time. Ive been taking the capsules for a month now. Sometimes, out of habit, I still look for a pack of cigarettes in my pocket, but in general the process of giving up is much easier for me than before. I feel calm, I don’t want to destroy and break everything and everyone.”


“I smoked for 10 years. Of these, 7 are a pack a day. Previously, this did not interfere with leading an active lifestyle. Then I began to notice that after exercise I was out of breath, like an old man. I decided to quit Nicotinon Premium. I sleep well with it and generally feel positive. The teeth became white. No headache in the morning. I don’t freak out like I used to if something doesn’t work out. These results alone are enough to make you no longer want to smoke at all.”

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