How to get rid of problems with potency?

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The state of potency depends on many factors, including heredity. To maintain sexual health in full condition, it is necessary to avoid the development of prostatitis, sexually transmitted infections, stress, physical and psychological fatigue, intoxication of the body. If the weakening of potency could not be avoided, it must be restored in a complex way. When drawing up an optimal treatment program, it is important to take into account the age and weight of the man. With the timely passage of therapy, the prognosis for recovery is favorable.

The best methods for improving and treating potency

Prostate massage. Manual impact on the prostate stimulates it to produce enough testosterone - a hormone that makes libido stable. To normalize potency, a man needs to undergo a course of prostate massage - from 5 to 10 procedures. Manipulation is performed by a urologist. Use of stimulant suppositories. Candles are intended for rectal use, they have exciting, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. Preparations of this type should be used in a single course - from 10 procedures. The use of stimulant foods. Seafood, bananas, artichokes and other foods are stimulating foods because they contain a set of components that stimulate libido. Regular use of such products can significantly increase potency and stabilize it. The use of decoctions and infusions. Drinks made from medicinal plants have anti-inflammatory, stimulating, tonic effects. To increase the potency, the course must be completed completely - from 10 to 15 days. Physiotherapy procedures. Manipulations of this type help to improve the blood supply to the prostate, which allows it to produce a sufficient amount of testosterone and maintain normal libido. On our site you can choose for yourself the best drug, the action of which is aimed at restoring potency, regardless of the statute of limitations for its deterioration and the cause of development.These funds have a wide range of beneficial effects on mens health, and can improve libido in just a month. To guarantee the restoration of potency, any of the drugs proposed below must be taken in a course without interrupting it.