How to get rid of problems with papillomas?

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It is believed that the human papillomavirus carries 70% of the worlds population. It is difficult to distinguish a viral neoplasm from the usual safe pigmentation, while one manifestation of papilloma can carry about 20 virus stamps for one person. HPV formations include warts; simple and vulgar, as well as flat and filiform papillomas; genital warts. With all the variety of neoplasms, the place of their appearance is still unpredictable: they can be both outside the body and inside.

Chemical destruction

One of the most popular and affordable ways to get rid of HPV neoplasms at home. All you need is an acid-based liquid preparation containing alkali, but you won’t be able to buy this without a doctor’s prescription. The procedure is a compress from the drug on the area of ​​​​the neoplasm, burning it from the inside. The method is suitable for removing large, single papillomas (warts). With the simplicity of the method, it is painful, long, and at home, any mistake can threaten a chemical burn on healthy skin, which will only add more problems.


One of the old and proven methods is the freezing of newly formed tissues with extremely low temperatures, such as nitrogen. The method does not require anesthesia, all that the patient feels is a slight burning sensation and tingling. But at the end of the procedure, pain may appear and last up to a day. After the procedure, a bubble is formed, under which tissue destruction will continue for another three weeks, and the wound from the exploded bubble will heal six weeks after the procedure. The trace can last up to six months, while the treated area should be protected from the sun and mechanical damage.

Radio wave coagulation

With this method, the removal of papillomas occurs with a radio knife under directed radiation, in which the affected tissue evaporates. The device has several nozzles, the doctor chooses the one that is more suitable for the neoplasm in a particular patient. The procedure is considered painful and takes place under local injection anesthesia.With radio wave coagulation, papillomas are removed quickly, and healthy tissues remain intact; there are almost no traces left. Despite the seemingly ideal nature of this method, it has many contraindications, for example: exacerbation of chronic diseases, diabetes mellitus, pregnancy and lactation, the presence of a pacemaker, as well as oncology of any localization.

Laser coagulation

Laser is one of the newest ways to remove papillomas. It is considered as safe and painless as possible. The neoplasm is irradiated with a laser, as a result of which the infected tissues are destroyed, and healthy ones are not damaged. Rehabilitation is relatively long - two weeks, with abstinence from water and direct sunlight. But this method also has disadvantages, for example, prolonged swelling and, as a result, scars. In addition, the laser has many contraindications. Diabetes mellitus, acute inflammatory processes, epilepsy, disorders of the endocrine and immune systems, photoderomatosis, thrombocytopenia are direct contraindications to laser coagulation.


The method is applicable for small and multiple papillomas. The essence of the method is thermal burning of tissue. The heated electrode touches the neoplasm, creating a burn. Within an hour, the skin becomes covered with a dark crust, and subsequently disappear in a week of rehabilitation.